Monday 25 March 2013

Voice over

Theistic Satanism, that is that is what i believe,
Sacrifice, Child abuse, Corruption.
Is what we do,
One world order is what we strive for,
Secrecy is important to our practices,
First we shall destroy the economies of all countries,
When they have nothing left, we shall bail them out when its most vulnerable,
This is when we shall rise, and everything will be ours
The media industry is our main weapon,
Secrecy is a must in our world
we will do anything to keep it that way
and kill if we have to.

Product Research

Gone baby gone (directed by Ben Affleck, starring Casey Affleck and Morgan Freeman)

The thriller which I think is my most favourite thriller is gone baby gone starring the famous Morgan Freeman this thriller is about a young girl being kidnapped by a supposed drug lord but it isn’t this movies has a lot of twist in the story a lot of it is generic crime thriller story lines but it still had me thinking, once I thought I figured it out they would throw another twist into it this movie had me thinking I figured the story out not once or twice but four times and I was left clueless and wanting to watch more this successfully confused me.

I like this close up shot a lot it showed the emotions on the face of the captain and we could see the severity of their conversation. We can see who has the power here as the captain is higher in the frame than the other character and he is looking down.

In this shot close mid shot we can see that the woman is looking to the man for help and it looks like the man is trying to reassure her, in the background we can see police cars and news crews which implies that something bad and unusual has occurred.

This has given me ideas on how to record my piece and also what story line I can put into place to keep my product interesting to the viewer and to keep them guessing and making sure that whatever they think is wrong and to keep them confused and interested at the same time

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Audience Research - Evaluation

audience research responses Galhid Naji

Q.1 What do you expect in a thriller in order to make it successful?

the responses to this question were 
crime, creativity, interesting murder (twice), tension (4 times), suspense (4 times), interesting plot, good story.
tension and suspense were mentions the most so in our movie we should be show to build up tension and suspense.

Q.2 Do you choose the movies you watch because of the company producing it?

in this question everyone said no this shows that we shouldn't care about a producer logo as much as we thought we was gonna have to this can save valuable time which would otherwise have been wasted.

Q.3 What sub genre of thrillers do you enjoy watching the most?
crime and phycological thrillers were popular crime being picked 4 times and phycological 6 times this helped me when picking my sub genre because crime and phycological would be most appealing to the audience.

Q.4 what music genre would you enjoy hearing in a thriller?
Music genre picked by the audience the most was hip hop with 5 votes rock with 2 erie with 1 classical with 1 pop with 1 and RnB this has not really helped our thriller as much as we had hoped because hip hop does not go with our thriller but it has steered us to making decisions on music.

Q.5 does the actor make you want to watch the movie more than the actual plot/storyline?
most people said yes because if the actors are not professional they wouldn't watch it and only 4 no's because people said the plot was more important than the actors.

Full video

Group Post - Email from the Secret Society

Today me and Galhid created the email thaqt the young man is going to recieve prior to entering Burntwood just before he gets a glance of the target.

As you can see we included a picture that we have taken of the girl that will be shown right at the end of the opening sequence.
We have added a brief description of the girl as the picture is included. To make it secret as the illuminati is a secret society we have made sure that it is not clear that this email is for purposes such as murder. We have re-coloured the word 'HIGH' to show the audience the sense of urgency that the Secret Society have for the elimination of this girl.  

Monday 11 March 2013

Group Post - Sound

we are using dark matter as a background music for our opening sequence we got it from freesound the sound is copyright free as long as its for non-commercial purposes.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Group Post - Movie Name/Logo

This is the image i have created on Photoshop which will be displayed right at the end of our opening sequence.
We have chosen the name 'Elimination' for our movie because the young man has to eliminate his younger sister to keep the secret society intact.
We have also chosen the name 'Elimination' because it rhythms with illuminati so it gives away what the movie will be about, along with the eye in the background. The blood would symbolise blood and the feeling of someone is always overlooking you. This creates tension right at the start of the movie.

Soban's Vox Pop

This is my Vox Pop, i will be posting my questionnaire results once i have got all my responses back.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Audience Research Questions : Soban Tufail

I will be doing a Vox Pop the first part of my audience research.

Below is the list of the questions i have chosen for my audience research, i have also included why i have chosen these questions.

1. Do you enjoy watching movies which are under the genre 'Thriller'?
The reason i have chosen this question is because it establishes if people enjoy watching movies under this genre or not.

2. What 'Thriller' sub-genres appeal to you the most?
Using this i can understand what people like to watch combined with a thriller. This way i can get a good overview in what sub-genres i could include in my final production.

3. Which of the following would you associate with 'Thriller' films?
From this question i can establish what types of things people would reckon to expect from the thriller movie and this also helps me outline which one's i could actually use.

4. What particular features of this genre would you expect to see in the opening sequence?
This is a very useful question and it helps to tell me what people would like and expect to see in the opening sequence. This way i could use some ideas and collage them together and use it in my final production.

5. What uses of sound are you likely to come across in the opening sequence?
The reason why i have chosen this question is because it helps me to understand of what sounds relate to thriller opening sequences. It helps me to establish if the audience want loud revealing thrilling sounds or slow and silent sounds.

6. What would you expect from the title sequence?
This question is really important for me to understand what colours, fonts, background can be used for my title sequence, I can also establish how to present the titles, if either i should have it coming down or presented one by one around the opening sequence going along with the clip.

7. Watching a 'Thriller' opening sequence, how much of the plot would you expect to be exposed?
From this question i can make a understanding of how much i of the plot we have to expose in our opening sequence. We need to make sure it is not to long and to exposing, this means that we to establish something very engaging for the audience to keep viewing.

Group Post - Treatment

Treatment Writing - Elimination 

A young man just finishing college after having a successful year has his mind corrupted by a  priest from a secret society. The priest has promised him fame and fortune if he completes his dirty work. Standing in his way is a group of students who have discovered the secrets of this society. They have now established that the secret society is the illuminati. This group of students threaten to expose their secrets on live TV. In response, the illuminati decide to get rid of them permanently. They will do anything to keep this secrecy intact but things take an unexpected turn when the young man discovers that one of the students that he has to eliminate is his younger sister!